Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Leopards and spots

So, here I am on a lovely Tuesday evening. It is 22:20, and I just finished working. So, how did I end up in the same position as I did last year? I guess the holiday is truly over. Sigh.

Anyway, while on the work front I seem not to be making any progress, I have made another decision that will be a change. I have decided as far as possible to follow a vegetarian diet. Actually, technically it is more a pescetarian diet. I am not ready to give up fish, and shellfish especially. Not saying I will never eat another piece of meat or chicken, but as said, when I can control it, meat is out. So, maybe a leopard can change its spots. Time will tell.

I suppose the question then is why? So many reasons - health, environmental, and maybe even a little financial. I hope this will make a difference not just in my life, but also be a small contribution to the environment.

Anyway, as you can see, there is nothing significant happening in my life right now, so, I will not bore you any longer.

I did discover something really stupid today: I booked my flights to the US to visit friends that overlap with the dates of the U2 concert in South Africa. Aagh. Maybe I will see if it is possible to change my tickets. Idiot.

Anyway, signing off.

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