Sunday, February 20, 2011

U2 - Best Band EVER!

OH MY GOODNESS! What a show!

Okay, calm down, write clearly, be... but I saw The Edge - a LOT. So, my one complaint about all U2 videos is: too much Bono, not enough The Edge - in my book the hottest man in rock music. He was great, the music was fantastic. What a fun night.

Okay, now that I managed to get that out of my system, on to other things.

The weather in Cape Town was so beautiful - though the wind has been pretty harsh. But hey, even with the wind, you are in Cape Town, so, no reason to complain. I managed to have some seafood, I saw my friends Stacie and Mark, and I spent some time with Asara (oh yeah, and her parents and grandparents, but really, it is all about Asara). Sadly she was sleeping the whole time I was babysitting, save for 5 minutes when she woke up and cried for Mommy. When that did not work, she wailed for Daddy, and when it was still just me, she turned to sobbing herself back to sleep. So, what should have been fun time with Asara turned into reading on my Kindle. Oh well, next time.

I would move to Cape Town tomorrow if I could - it is my favourite city. I love everything about it.

Tomorrow I am back at work with a vengeance, and I am not exactly super psyched about that. I have tried to work since getting back from the US, but I find my motivation is lacking. If anyone has a magic cure, please send it along.

Anyway, I really have nothing profound to say today, so, maybe I will just end it here. End the torture for all and sundry.

However, I cannot end without a shout out to Heidi and Bryan, who are celebrating their wedding anniversary today. In their honour I am posting a picture from that auspicious day 5 years ago. Congratulations Heidi and Bryan!

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